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 2024 Enrolments

Transition Days for 2024 Foundation (Prep) Class

 Tuesday 8th August   -              Group 1: 9.00am - 10.30am,       Group 2: 11.30am - 1.00pm

Monday 4th September -        Group 1: 11.30am - 1.00 pm      Group 2: 9.00am - 10.30am
Tuesday 10th October -             Both Groups:  9.30am - 2.30pm
Wednesday 1st November -     Both Groups: 9.30am - 2.30pm​


You will find our child's group number on the transition day letter emailed to you on 10th July.

At the end of the last transition day, your child will receive a laminated sheet with pictures and names of their teachers and special buddy.

We request that you use the bottom car parks near the oval for drop off and pick up.

Items Required for Transition day.
Change of Clothes (including undies)
Shoes that your child can manage.
(Velcro recommended)
Morning Play lunch
Resealable Bottle of water


It is really important that children bring adequate quantities of healthy food to school in order for their energy and concentratin levels be sustained. Small snacks can often work better instead of a large serving of one thing.

Children begin school full time as of the first day of Term One, 2024, and attend full time right from the start.  We found this successful in the past. Children leaving school after a short day often cause more problems than are solved for both parents and students.

2024 Term Dates

Term 1

29th January to 28th March
(Students start on 30th January )
Term 2

15th April to 28th June

Term 3

15th July to 20th September

Term 4

7th October to 20th December

Prep School Hours 
  A normal school day runs as follows:

9.00 Start of School Day
11.00 - 11.30 Morning Recess
1.30 - 2.30 Lunch
3.30  Finish of School Day 

Items required for the start of the school year.  
Change of clothes
Art Smock (An old shirt works well)

Library Bag

   For all other general school information please visit our Parent Info Page

 75 Doctors Gully Rd, Doreen.  3754                   Principal:  David Jovanovski             9717 3563            ABN 38 171 011 569                 

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