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The Making of Gilgamesh - 2009/10
The Gilgamesh animation was a collaborative artwork between the students of Doreen Primary School in Australia and students in Sabela Sizwe in South Africa in 2009, and is based on Ancient poem believed to be five thousand years old. Sabela Sizwe Development is situated in Soweto, South Africa and is a non-profit organisation that is dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children by providing the children with both art and life-skills education.
Our students, with the help of Di Zobel and visiting artist Megan Evans, developed the characters to play the parts of the story, making drawings of these characters and sets, and then using these to make into paper pop-ups that can be opened into 3D pieces. When folded back into a flat piece of work the project became the stage and was folded up and taken to the students of Soweto, South Africa who in turn contributed to the project by doing more work on the stage, making more Pop-Up forest and making the main characters. then it came back to Doreen for animating. Megan and Di took a laptop with them which was left there so that the children could continue working on the project.
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